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    “exo他们是怎么活下来的?我都快被压死了。”刚挤进去,兮萱就在不停的抱怨,“注意,从现在开始,在公司里一律英文说话”兮玥先用中文,后面就----“men, pei, the younger sister paper, come on, hiring room here, assistant is m, translation is k, say, i and xi xuan as assistant, xi han and xi she when translation, hurry up

    【汉子们,呸,妹纸们,快来,招聘室在这里,助理是m的,翻译是k的,说好了,我和兮萱当助理,兮晗和兮霏当翻译,快点吧】”当她们进入招聘室时,恨不得把面前这个老肥老肥的女人打扁,那个老肥老肥的女人还瞥了她们一眼,不屑的说“你们是不会取代我在哥哥们心目中的地位的”,说完,就自顾自的走了,当老女人【无比纯【wei】洁【suo】】的作者蓝蓝:猜到这个又老又丑又肥胖的女人是谁吗?是的,没错,她就是赵雅琳】离开视线,兮霏就十分嫌弃的说“look around and see the people, are more than 50 years old also uneasy cent, exobiology is only a few years old? the average age of 22。 22 and 50 is what concept? is she still want to get their hands on exobiology? her in the spring and autumn dreams go, planets in rice literally find a sister are better than her, just like me

    【看看看看,这种人,都50多岁了还不安分,exo才几岁?平均年龄22!22和50是什么概念?就她这样还想染指exo?做她的春秋大梦去吧,行星饭里随便找个妹子都比她强,就比如说我----】”兮萱就接道“two elder sister, what are you doing well with an old and ugly a woman waistline is equal to you five waistline

    【二姐,你干嘛好好地跟一个又老又丑一个腰围等于你5个腰围的女人做比较】”“elder sister is not angry? good good, quickly go to the interview, anyway, the position of those who pretend to be a planet outside of rice flour, let go of the best assistant and translation of the position, the position is our, if who want to rob, is about to see his [her] life do

    【姐这不是生气吗?好了好了,快去面试吧,不管怎么说,这些位置外面那些装作是行星饭的黑粉来说,最好放开助理和翻译的位置,那个位置是我们的,如果谁要抢,就要看他【她】有没有命做了】”兮霏的瞳孔闪过一丝冷意,看的兮玥直直发愣,敢情兮霏已经打算要抢了啊,那自己这个姐姐是要跟着一起干呢还是一起干呢?真伤脑经“ok, my dear sisters, let's go to the interview, this position must be our, is what is ours is ours, not we also give us put on the table don't move

    【好了,我最亲爱的姐姐们,咱们先去面试吧,这个位置一定是我们的,是我们的就是我们的,不是我们的也给我们放桌上别动】”兮萱笑眯眯的走进助理招聘室,几分钟后走出来,满面春风地说“dear sister, little sister i have succeeded, hurry up go to ah, echocardiography action, devoted to xi xuan warm prompt: assistant position still remain a, as far as the translation, and lack of two

    【亲爱的姐姐们,小妹我已经成功了吼,快点去啊,心动不如行动,陌兮萱温馨提示:助理的位子还剩一个,至于翻译么,还缺两个】”兮霏惊叫道“alas! i le a go, xi han fast translation to go with your sister i catch this seat

    【哎哟我勒个去,兮晗快跟你姐姐我去抓翻译这个位子】”兮晗无奈地说“【二姐,你信吗,我们再挪三步就是翻译招聘室】”兮霏立刻拽着兮晗冲向里面,几分钟后,两人神经兮兮的说“we two is the exobiology assistant, elder sister, only you

    【我们两个已经是exo的助理了,大姐,只剩下你了】”兮玥说“give me two minutes

    【给我两分钟】”说完就走进招聘室,里面传来女人的尖叫声和骨头的断裂声,兮玥不到两分钟就出来了,兮萱呆呆的问“elder sister, you are using violence?

    【姐,你使用暴力了?】”兮玥笑得满脸褶子“yes, there is a pseudo rice practiced tae kwon do, also said he is luhan rice, but where the roar, a see will know that is practiced, i do not see how she is not cool, he said a few words, the results of the fool unappreciative to start work with me, i will reward her hospital three years

    【是啊,里面有一个伪饭练过跆拳道,还说自己是鹿晗的饭,却在那里吼叫,一看就知道是练过的,我看她不怎么爽,就说了几句,结果那个傻子不知好歹地要跟我动手,姐就赏了她医院三年】”兮晗笑着说“really didn't know little

    【真是不知道天高地厚】”,接着就满脸讨好笑“dear sisters, since we got to this place, let's go shopping

    【亲爱的姐姐们,我们既然得到了这个位置,我们就去逛街吧】”兮萱立马答应“good wow wow, i'm going to buy food to the east street

    【好哇好哇,我要去东大街买吃的】”兮玥接到“little younger sister to go with me

    【小妹和我一起去】”,“m and k powder points than eurabia also clear

    【m和k的粉分的比楚河汉界还清楚】”,兮晗叹道“the two sister and i went to xidajie, after 2 hours see ”secret garden”

    【那我和二姐就去西大街,2个小时后,‘秘密花园’见】”说完,扯起还在发呆的兮霏,扬长而去-----”wide kneading sisters like grew up

    【妹妹们好像长大咧捏】” 兮玥像个老奶奶一样的叹道,拉着自家小忙内的手,向东大街走去。。
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