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第1卷 开业盛典(2)桑巴似火

    “Last night I dreamt of San Pedro

    just like i'd never gone, i knew the song

    a young girl with eyes like the desert

    it all seems like yesterday, not far away

    chorus……”一曲荡气回肠,激情豪迈的《La isla bonita》回荡在雨欣堂上方,刚还沉浸在唯美绝伦的水袖舞当中的人们,随即被它点燃了激情,现场立即热和了起来。

    “ tropical the island breeze

    all of nature,wild and free

    this is where i long to be

    la isla bonita

    and when the samba played

    the sun would set so high

    ring through my ears and sting my eyes

    your spanish lullaby

    i fell in love with san pedro

    warm wind carried on the sea,

    he called to me

    te dijo te amo

    i prayed that the days would last They went so fast

    tropical the island breeze

    all of nature, wild and free

    this is where i long to be

    la isla bonita

    and when the samba played

    the sun would set so high

    ring through my ears and sting my eyes

    your spanish lullaby

    i want to be where the sun warms the sky

    when it's time for siesta you can watch them go by

    beautiful faces,no cares in this world

    where a girl loves a boy

    and a boy loves a girl

    Last night I dreamt of San Pedro

    it all seems like yesterday, not far away





    每当舞曲声起,现代化的灯光闪亮,服饰即随舞步飘动,珠玉伴和灯光流转,似一团团火焰闪烁, 如一个个流星飞转, 形成一个似梦如幻的世界。置身其中,令人顿生飘飘欲仙、魂魄飞升之感。

    “tropical the island breeze

    all of nature,wild and free

    this is where i long to be

    la isla bonita

    and when the samba played

    the sun would set so high

    ring through my ears and sting my eyes

    your spanish lullaby

    tropical the island breeze

    all of nature,wild and free

    this is where i long to be

    la isla bonita

    and when the samba played

    the sun would set so high

    ring through my ears and sting my eyes

    your spanish lullaby

    your spanish lullaby”






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